The only thing you need to do to identify as a writer is write. But let’s be honest, there are a lot of similarities among us besides our simple desire to put words on a page. We tend to have vivid imaginations, a collection of fluffy animals, and some… unsettling habits.
This post is just for fun! Let me know if you’re a writer and exhibit one or more of these writer signs.
1. Your pet is your co-writer.
Whether it’s a cat draped across your keyboard or a dog napping at your feet, your furry friends are always ready to "help" (or demand attention) when you’re trying to focus on your manuscript.
2. You call movie night ‘research.’
Bought tickets to the latest sci-fi blockbuster? It’s not just for fun—it’s inspiration. And yes, the ticket costs will be counted as a business expense. Maybe the popcorn, too.
3. You have a notebook (or ten) within reach at all times.
Inspiration can strike anywhere, so you have one handy in a number of places: your bag, the car, the nightstand, the shower…
4. You hear voices in your head and get concerned when they stop talking.
Your characters talk to you all the time, even getting into arguments with your inner voice and each other. But more concerning than the cacophony in your head is when they’re suddenly quiet.
5. Your search history is concerning and closely watched by the FBI.
How many bullet wounds before a human can no longer run? How much blood does the average mosquito drink? What’s another synonym for big? How decomposed would a body be after being abandoned in a swamp for a week? …a month? …a year? What’s another synonym for big? It’s all research for your novel, of course.
6. Coffee (or tea) is your lifeblood.
Staying hydrated is very important, and you’ve mastered the perfect ratio of caffeine to creativity.
7. You’re on a first-name basis with your local librarians.
Whether it’s for research or an excuse to leave the house, you know the library staff well enough to exchange birthday cards.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my list of Signs You’re a Writer! Let me know, are there any strangely similar things you’ve noticed about the writers in your life? Feel free to share them and tag me @bethmartinbooks!
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