June 12, 2017

Summer Writing Update

If you've read my post from last week (Comic Cons, Here I Come!) then you'll know I'm planning on doing some conventions and festivals. I've added an Events page and plan to keep a list of events I plan on attending.

I've been crazy busy recently and haven't had much time to sit down and think about what I would post, so I thought I'd just give you all a short little update.

Right now, I'm looking for book reviewers who would be interested in doing an advance review for Quality DNA. I'm amazed at how expensive some review services are (a Kirkus review will set you back by $425). However, searching for book bloggers who are accepting review requests can get exhausting.

My husband graciously read through the first book of the space opera trilogy I'm currently working on. He can be brutely honest, so when he says, "It's good," I know that I'm on the right track. I've done as much editing on it as I think I can before sending it to my editor.

I'm terribly excited about going to a convention next month and have already started planning many of the details like how many books I'm going to bring and what color tablecloth to use.

But soon summer vacation will start, and my son won't be a pre-K during the day. I have no idea how I'm going to keep both kids entertained, the house in some sort of order, and all of my writing stuff up all at once the entire summer. I predict lots of time at the pool and furiously writing over the weekends.

I'm looking forward to a great summer :-)

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