November 27, 2017

Book Review: Help My Facebook Ads Suck by Michael Cooper

Recently, my ‘did not finish’ pile of books has grown quite a bit. Whenever I don’t finish a novel, I won’t write up a review, partially because I don’t have the full story (pun— har har) and partially because I don’t like leaving low-star reviews. This is also why I haven’t been posting many book reviews recently.

I actually don’t read many nonfiction books. Most of my reading is for entertainment, and when I want to learn something new, I’ll do research on the internet. There are a lot of nonfiction books from the library that I’ve picked up, but information changes quickly. There’s not much that’s still relevant about selling ebooks in a book published ten years ago.

It’s important that I get serious about advertising if I want my self-publishing career to succeed. At this point, I’m not willing to give any money to Amazon and their advertising platform, so I decided to focus my efforts on Facebook advertising

I’ve had a hard time finding a lot of information on making successful Facebook ads, and an even harder time on how to tailor them to selling ebooks. The ads that I have tried to run don’t get a ton of impressions and end up with prohibitively high costs. So when I came across a forum where authors were talking about Michael Cooper’s Help! My Facebook Ads Suck, I was ready to give it a shot.

Now, I haven’t had a chance to apply everything I’ve learned yet, but I still wanted to share a bit about this book.

Help! My Facebook Ads Suck by Michael Cooper
My rating: ★★★★★

This book is tailored for self-published fiction authors who want to advertise their novels on Facebook. It assumes some familiarity with Facebook’s ad management website. Basically, it felt like it was written specifically for me.

Michael goes into the details of which sales numbers authors should track and how to calculate them, along with some of the advertising lingo that may be unfamiliar to writers. He also focuses on what an ad contains and what good copy looks like. I really appreciated that he also talked about the image that goes with your advertisement and what it should (and shouldn’t) be.

One thing that totally mystified me was the back end of how Facebook decides which ads to display. I never realized how detrimental adding lots of text to my ad images was to the number of impressions the ad gets and the cost per click, but it does make my glorious flops make a lot more sense.

Although the book is rather short, I feel well equipped now to start advertising my novels using Facebook. And hopefully this time, I’ll actually sell more than I spend on ads.

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