April 15, 2019

Spring Writing Update

My most recent novel, In the Midst, came about two weeks ago, and since then I’ve been asked the same two questions several times: “Where can I buy a copy?” and “When does the next book come out?” The first one is easy. Amazon! The second is, well, a little harder to answer.

The puzzle book I’m currently working on is super close to completion—if you follow me on Instagram, then you may have seen the preliminary cover in one of my recent stories—and I hope to have it ready for Galactic-Con in June. However, it’s not a novel. It has a story, but the main focus is the riddles and clues.

Sometimes the question of my next book release is specific to the In the Lurch series. I had plans of making serious headway in the third book during NaNoWriMo 2019, but I spent most of the month editing In the Midst. The third installment has been started, but it will be a while before it’s completed.

Most of my writing time has been dedicated to another story which is in the same world as Quality DNA. I’ve got some really great characters in mind and an idea which uses block-chain technology to develop a black market for information. Yeah, it’s going to be cool. However, this book as well is far from finished.

I’ve been so busy recently with marketing and puzzle stuff, I’ve had to pull back on a lot of other things like book reviews and beta reading. Once summer comes and the kids are out of school, I’ll be even busier. I’m also looking into the possibility of doing more events this year, so that will take up some time too.

All of that said, I can’t go long before I have to sit down and write an exciting new story. So in short, when will my next book come out? This summer. And fall. And probably another In the Lurch novel in spring 2019.

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